Free Keyword Permutation Tool

(AKA Google AdWords Keyword Exploder)

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This is a basic permutation tool. Each line of text is permuted independently, so you can use it to generate permutations of any single-line text. It was designed as an aid to generate permutations of keywords for search engine marketing, such as Google AdWords.

Simply enter (or copy and paste) the text or keywords you would like to permute (see below for syntax), check the “Save to file” box if you want to save the output to a file rather than display it in your browser, and click “Permute”.

Syntax and Operation

Basic Permutation Lists

Each input line consists of a list of one or more “permutation options”, separated by commas. An empty string is a perfectly valid (and frequently used) option. As a trivial example, the “permutations” for “a,b” are simply “a” and “b“. The tool will generate a separate line of output for each permutation.

Permutation lists can be concatenated or nested by surrounding them with “{” and “}“.

Example: “a{,b,{c,d}{e,f}}g” generates “ag“, “abg“, “aceg“, “acfg“, “adeg“, and “adfg“.

Synchronized Permutations

Option list iteration can be synchronized, allowing you to include matching “opening” and “closing” sequences. This is implemented using one of two special tokens as the first option in a permutation list. A first option of “$name!” saves the current iteration index of a “primary” list for later use, while “$name?” synchronizes the current iteration of a “secondary” list with a previously saved “primary”. The name may consist of zero or more alphanumeric characters and underscores.

Example: “{$!,a,b,c}{$?,d,e,f}” generates (only) “ad“, “be“, and “cf“.

Note that “$name!” never results in a permutation of its own. If the name in “$name?” has not yet been set, it will generate itself (“$name?“), allowing you to see the problem in your output. Empty strings are generated if there are insufficient permutation options in the secondary list, and the excess options will not be generated if there are too many.

The following, more useful, example shows how to create “broad match”, “phrase match”, and “exact match” iterations of your Google AdWords keywords:

Example: ‘{$!,,”,[}a{$?,,”,]}‘ generates ‘a‘, ‘“a”‘, and ‘[a]‘.

White Space Removal

Leading, trailing, and adjacent internal white space is removed.

Example: “ a   b ” generates “a b“.

Escaping Special Chacters

If you want a “{“, “,“, or “}“, etc. in your permutations (without their special meanings), just put a “\” before it. You can also use “\” to prevent white space removal.

Example 1: “\{a\,b\}” generates “{a,b}“.

Example 2: “\ a \  b\ ” generates “ a   b “.

Disclaimer: Other than as a consumer of Google’s services, Kappa Computer Solutions, LLC has no affiliation with Google.

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